Kaydon 60L25 Specifications

Micron Rating:  3.00 ABSOLUTE

Collapse Pressure Rating:  75 PSID

Maximum Temperature:  300 F

Direction of Flow:  OUTSIDE->IN

Recommended Changeout Differential Pressure:  20 PSID

Kaydon 60L25 Dimensional Specifications

Outer Diameter, Top:  3.00 inches   (76.20 Millimeters)

Outer Diameter, Bottom:  3.00 inches   (76.20 millimeters)

Inner Diameter, Top:  1.75 inches   (44.45 millimeters)

Inner Diameter, Bottom:  1.75 inches   (44.45 millimeters)

Length:  35.50 inches   (901.70 millimeters)

Thread:  NONE

Kaydon 60L25  Specifications

Handle:  NONE

Seal Material:  BUNA-N

Type of Adhesive:  EPOXY

Type of Endcap:  PLATED STEEL

Center Tube:  NONE

Type of Media:  PAPER

Filter Area:  200 SQ.inches


Outer Jacket:  NONE

Configuration:  DOUBLE OPEN END