Braden Filtration designs and manufactures replacement cartridge filters, pleated bags, and fabric for dust collection, dry process filtration, and pollution control systems.
Braden Filtration provides a full range of highly efficiency cooler media components. These components include cooler media, distribution pads, and droplet eliminators to assure your gas turbine is experiencing the highest performance possible.
Mechanical droplet elimination is an effective and long-lasting method of assuring maximum potential of your air filter system by eliminating the number one cause of unexpected increases in pressure drop. The largest mass of moisture comes in the form of wind blow rain, mist and fog. High efficiency moisture separation is available in a variety of forms. High efficiency moisture separation can address moisture in a variety of locations and orientations within your filter house system.

cellular droplet eliminator
Weather Hoods
Typical hoods are designed to handle approximately 500-600 fpm of air by directing the flow upwards into the filter section of the house. However, since droplet sizes of rain and mist vary, when combined with gust of wind, normal velocities are exceeded allowing large amounts of moisture to go directly into the filters. Installation of cellular mist or droplet eliminators, you can help you eliminate up to 90% of the total mass of ambient moisture and significantly reduce the ingestion and saturation of your air filters. Therefore, inhibiting the moisture saturation of your filters which will reduce overall pressure restriction during moisture events and allow for a more gradual and controlled operation of your filter house system.
Weather Louvers
In some regions the sheer amount of moisture is so great that weather hoods can be come overburdened as a result of “cascading”. As the rain and moisture is shed across the tops of the weatherhoods it drops down to the next hood below, gaining significant volume. Lower tiers of the filter house can experience significant egress of moisture. Replacing the weather hoods with Braden weather louvers eliminates water egress is by creating equal distribution of air flow and water across the entire filter house inlet area. Droplet vanes are available in a high durability plastic or galvanized or stainless steel metal vanes.
Trace or Fluid heated Inlet Vanes for Mechanical droplet elimination
Frozen precipitation can cause immediate pressure drop emergencies. This can force operators to either de-rate the output of the turbine or shutdown operations completely. High velocity airflow can cause freezing of moisture on both metal and filter surfaces even at above freezing ambient temperatures .
Heated vane separators efficiently remove sea spray, mist, drift, rain droplet, bulk water, salt and other fine deliquesced aerosol debris from air intakes. Each vane gives a uniform temperature rise across the whole cross sectional area of the air inlet. Thermostatic controls are also available for integration with monitoring of outside air temperature and moisture content.
Why should you work with Advanced Filtration for Mechanical droplet elimination?
Advanced Filtration specializes in industrial filtration systems including the Power, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Biotech representing many companies. Our experienced filtration engineers are at the ready to assist you.