Advanced Filtration Company sells the full line of Braden Filtration LLC filters including Braden CELdek® evaporative cooling pads.

TURBOdek® Cooler MediaBraden Filtration designs and manufactures replacement cartridge filters, pleated bags, and fabric for dust collection, dry process filtration, and pollution control systems.

Braden Filtration provides a full range of highly efficiency cooler media components including cooler media, distribution pads, and droplet eliminators to assure your gas turbine is experiencing the highest performance possible.

TURBOdek® Cooler Media is a high efficiency, low pressure drop, low drift media that delivers maximum cooling to optimize combustion turbine output. Turbines utilizing evaporative cooling systems have reported an increase in capacity as high as 20% during peak summer demand. With TURBOdek® installed, users have experienced an additional 5% increase in cooling efficiency when compared to Munters’ standard CELdek media.

Why should you work with Advanced Filtration?

Advanced Filtration specializes in industrial filtration systems including the Power, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Biotech representing many companies. Our experienced filtration engineers are at the ready to assist you.