By John Woods
March 21, 2022
Pollution has become a major problem, and we're all guilty of contributing to it. Did you know that 60% of the dust in your home is from outside and that it's not all OK to breathe in? It's also estimated that about 90% of CO2 emissions in big cities come from road vehicles. While there are several ways to reduce these pollutants, industrial air filters are one great place to start. Industrial filters reduce air pollution across our country. Purification systems and air pollution control equipment have been developed to help significantly reduce the number of harmful pollutants released into…
By John Woods
January 27, 2022
No pun intended, but in this article, the industrial filter experts at Advanced Filtration are going to look at various types of filters and filtration systems and discuss some of the main differences, especially as they are applied to industrial, chemical, and business use, versus consumer use and auto use. Filtering Out The Filters Not all filters are created equal. While they all do the job of separating particles from liquids or gasses, different filters are designed for different purposes. For example, there’s a big difference between standard car filters and those used by high-octane motorsport vehicles, and it can…
By John Woods
December 30, 2021
Here at Advanced Filtration, we encounter hundreds, if not thousands, of different kinds of products that are used in a variety of industrial filtration systems. And in our many years of selling industrial filters, we come across common questions again and again--so in this article, we'd like to discuss the the different between wet and dry filters in industrial filtration systems, and how they are used. Wet and dry filters are commonly used to remove contaminants from gases, liquids, or slurries in industrial filtration systems. In many cases, it can be difficult to determine which type of filter to use…
By John Woods
November 18, 2021
While we here at Advanced Filtration work with a lot of manufacturers, industry, power companies, biotech, and the like, we are also normal everyday people who live in New Jersey and are engaged with the well-being of our planet. Which is why, when we're looking at topics such as the safety of groundwater, we think of it both on an industrial/professional level, and on a personal and residential level. To that end, we're going to discuss a wide variety of issues regarding groundwater, and how to keep it clean and safe--and why that is so important. Water covers a whole…
By John Woods
November 15, 2021
Here at Advanced Filtration, we're working with some of the most forward-thinking manufacturers and energy companies in the United States, and across the world. And as we see what our partners are doing, we continue to notice an increasing trend toward renewable energy as our global community seeks better ways to be environmentally friendly. This move crucial to the survival of our species on this planet, and in this article we want to dig deeper into understanding why the transition to renewable energy so important. Carbon-Based Fuels are in Limited Supply According to the Millennium Alliance for Humanity & the Biosphere…
By John Woods
October 31, 2021
Here at Advanced Filtration, we are constantly looking at new trends in our industry, such as biodegradable vs. compostable, as well as movements around the world. In recent years, environmental conservation has become a crucial topic for everyone—not just the ecologically-conscious—and many organizations are working towards implementing policies that will drive this agenda. Because of this, not only are many companies, governmental agencies, and other organizations switching to green energy sources whenever possible, but manufacturers are also making environmental products that people can recycle and reuse. However, it can sometimes become difficult for a company to choose which products are…